Funds for mobility and ...


funds1 - Copia


This fund is not available for visiting students.


Art. 18 par. 7 of the UNIFI Doctoral Regulations - "In order to carry out research activities in Italy and abroad, each doctoral student with and without a scholarship is guaranteed for the entire duration of the course, within the existing financial resources in the budget, a budget appropriate to the type of course and in any case not less than 10% of the amount of the scholarship. " - of approximately 6,300 euros (in the three years).

For the COVID19 emergency the type of expenses allowed was extended, as long as they are "relevant to the student's educational path":

1. Publication costs of journal articles (only if in open access mode)

2. software licenses

3. registration and participation, even remotely, to: training courses and language courses, even remotely, "single courses" or other paid courses at universities, including other than the University of Florence or Pisa, even remotely - conferences and workshops - conferences and workshops in Florence or Pisa

4. costs incurred for the language revision of articles and/or thesis

5. laboratory consumables

6. Inventory assets: laboratory equipment and computer equipment (which must be returned at the end of the Cycle).

However, other expenses may be needed, of a different nature to those indicated above and for which the relevance to the training course can be demonstrated, and within the budget allocated upon the fund for mobility.

Please check the dedicated section on DIEF website


The amount of the scholarship is increased by a maximum of 50 per cent for a total period not exceeding twelve months for the performance of research activities abroad authorised to doctoral students with and without a scholarship. This period may be extended up to a maximum total of eighteen months for doctoral students in co-operation with foreign subjects or activated in agreement or consortium with other subjects.
this case there are special forms for authorization (here in rtf and pdf) and confirmation that should be sent after, with the exact period spent abroad (here in rtf and pdf).
The confirmation should be sent for every month within the 7th day of the month after to be sure to have the increasing in the first month available.
In case you forgot to send the confirmation in time, you are going to receive the increasing in the first payment available.


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